Happy holidays everyone! This will be our fourth christmas on SA-MP, so we've planned a few surprises! We're doing a special update today, the CnR Christmas Update on a new version of SA-MP, SA-MP 0.3c. However, since SA-MP 0.3c is still in beta testing, this update will only be applied to CnR Server #1 for the time being.

This means you will have to download and install the new SA-MP Client if you want to join server 1. We've added some special holiday features, like decorations and gifts. You can expect even more new holiday features to be added throughout the week. Visit the Forums for a complete list of all the new features and script changes.

In the meantime, you can come join the CnR Christmas event on Server #1! Server #2 will still be running SA-MP 0.3b for now. If you've installed SA-MP 0.3c, you will have to reinstall SA-MP 0.3b if you want to connect to 0.3b servers.

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