Donations cover the cost of server and website hosting, and they will allow the server to continue on a month-to-month basis. We need your help to keep the server, and the community which has grown around it, alive for as long as possible.

By donating, you will be helping to keep the Cops and Robbers server running. You must, however, agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • Donating any amount of money does not entitle you to any special treatment on the server or anywhere related to the server.
  • Donations will not be refunded under any circumstance, even in the event of a ban from the server.
  • If you are donating with your parents' / someone else's credit card or account, you must have their permission before donating.
  • The servers operate on a month-to-month basis. At the point where donations do not cover the price of server hosting, we will be forced to shut down the servers, so we rely heavily on your support.
  • Financial statements, information about server costs etc. will not be made public.

If you have read and agreed to our terms and conditions and would like to donate, please click the PayPal icon below.

To everyone who chooses to donate: thank you. The servers couldn't survive without your generosity.